Tuesday, September 06, 2011

$$ Party Time $$ U.S.A. ??!!

"Who Will Declare the Party's Over?"

A snippet from the TFP's Crusade magazine's Mr. John Horvat II's original article, in the September / October 2011 edition.

"The liberals on the left, in socialist fashion, call for bringing down to the common dance floor those chic partiers who are upstairs.

"The conservatives, in Gospel wedding fashion, announce the time has come to start serving everyone the inferior wine.

"Neither dares to declare the party's over.

"However, that is what we need to do.

"We need to face the fact that we cannot sustain this artificial environment of happiness entitlement.

"We must calmly face the reality of life's sufferings, tragedies and misfortunes outside the din of the party.

"We must avoid dramatic or instant push - button solutions that themselves take on the appearance of the great shows of the party.

"It will take much blood, sweat and tears to put the house back in order.

"We realize these considerations do not directly address the deficit or the state of our economy but they do point in the direction of a solution.

"We are not saying it will be easy.

"All we are saying is that the first step to a solution is to declare the party is over ...."

Way to go, SeƱor! :)


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