Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Mexican / U.S. Border State of Tamaulipas.

"Soldiers kill 18 ..."

"Matan soldados a 18"

"Logra Ejército la liberación de 21 secuestrados"

10 al 16 de diciembre se reportaron diversos enfrentamientos en Tamaulipas"

"Decomisaron: 5 toneladas de marijuana + 388 armas de fuego + 22 mil cartuches de diversos calibris + $1,500 dólares fueron asegurados ..."

Fuente original: Agencias / Zócalo / Tamaulipas. Miércoles 21 de diciembre de 2011.

"From the 10th to the 16th of December various gun battles were reported in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas."

"Soldiers killed 18.

"The Army managed to free 21 hostages

"They also decommissioned 5 tons of marijuana + 388 firearms + 22 thousand rounds of ammunition of diverse calibers + plus seizing $1,500 American dollars ..."

Hmm ... is that all?? :)


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