Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dr. Albert Mohler!!

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary's president opines on the:

"Obama Contraception Mandate"

"[It's] not only a Catholic issue ...

"our religious liberty is being similarly subverted and attacked..."

Snippets from an article in the Catholic newspaper, The Wanderer. Thursday, February 16, 2012.

By Ben Johnson, it's called 65 Orthodox Church bishops Call on Obama To Rescind The Contraception Mandate...

"Dr. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said on a daily podcast that any law requiring people of faith to violate their conscience is not only a Catholic issue ... our religious liberty is being similarly subverted and attacked ...

"Late last year, 60 religious leaders, mostly Protestants as well as two Orthodox Jewish spokesmen, signed a letter to President Obama, stating ..."

So, here's what they stated:

"It is emphatically not only Catholics who deeply object to the requirement that health plans they purchase must provide coverage of contraceptives that include some that are abortifacients ..."

Good comments, great and good people: keep up the fight! :)


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