Cuban President Raul Castro ...
"Declared Good Friday 2012 a Holiday"
¡Viva el Señor Presidente!
¡Viva la Política!
¿Y, sobre todo?
¡Viva El Papa Benedicto XVI!
Snippet from the Catholic newspaper The Wanderer. By Alejandro Bermudez. Thursday, April 12, 2012.
"HAVANA (CNN / EWTN News ) -- In response to Pope Benedict XVI's special request to Cuban President Raul Castro, the Cuban government announced that Good Friday 2012 would be a one - time national holiday.
"Minutes before the Pope's departure from Cuba on March 28, President Raul Castro told the Pope of his desire to declare Friday, April 6, a holiday ..."
As Señor Presidente Raul tells us:
" an exception, and in consideration to His Holiness and the happy results of this transcendental visit to our country..."
Here comes Granma!
"The government's short statement, published March 31 in the official newspaper Granma, said that the Pope requested the holiday declaration in honor of the religious celebrations that take place on the occasion of the passion and death of Jesus of Nazareth ..."
"The Christmas holiday was reinstated for 1998 after Pope John Paul II's specific request to then - President Fidel Castro during that Pontiff's historic visit to Cuba ...
"In Rome, Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., expressed enthusiasm..."
Way to go, everyone!
The Holy Spirit does seem more than able to work through anyone, anytime, anyplace and anywhere .... :)
Believe it or not:
Pope Saint Peter and Acts 2:16 / Joel 2:28 still ROCK!
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