Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Luzon, Philippine Islands in late January 1945:

Elements of the 6th U.S. Army Ranger Battalion are set to rescue 500 U.S. and Allied POWS in Cabanatuan POW Camp..

With the help of Philippine Guerrillas.


They would  have to go 30 or more miles on foot beyond General Walter Krueger's Sixth Army lines.

Deep into the heart of Japanese - occupied territory.. 

Battalion CO Lt. Col. Henry Andrew Mucci has some final words to say to those men selected:

"Mucci said One more thing, there will  be no atheists on this trip.

"[H]e told them I want you to swear an oath before God, swear that you'll die fighting rather than let any harm come to these prisoners...

"[H]e said he wanted every last  one of them to meet with the chaplains and pray on their knees.  Services would be held in a half hour ..." 

The source for all the above is Hampton Side's superb book: Ghost Soldiers: The epic account  of World War II's greatest rescue mission.

Pages 28 - 29.

A fine read! :)


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