Tips for praying your daily 5 - decade "Scriptural Rosary ..."
Source: Combat Mode - Christianity 101: pre - remedial High School Freshman / Homeboy / Applied Clownology level ......
By: one guess! :)
Budgeted time frame: 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours + -- not counting the preliminary "calling to mind exercise ..."
And that is done by ...
Reading out loud the names of the living and deceased and those living having special problems, or who have asked you to pray for them...
Four to six loose leaf pages crammed full of names should cover this preliminary exercise.
"We offer the following five decades of the Rosary in honor of the Ever Most Blessed and Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
".. and likewise through her hands as Co - Redemtrix, Mediatrix of all Graces, Queen of Heaven, Queen of Angels and Queen of Men ..... etc... etc ....
"Especially for all those brothers and sisters in Christ whose names we have just read out loud, both the living and the dead and those living who are facing special challenges ... etc.
"Also -- in an equally special way -- those brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we have been in contact with the past 24 hours or with whom we'll be in contact the next 24 hours.
"And, regardless of our relationship of one to another:
"Whether we are family, friends, relatives, benefactors, strangers -- or even enemies to one another...
"We respectfully and humbly request that these same 5 - decades be offered for the same fourfold intention for each and everyone of us without difference or discrimination ..
"And that fourfold intention is for:
"And Petition.
"In Jesus' name we pray ..."
Remember good people, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Both Father Kenneth Baker, S.J. and the great charismatic Evangelist David Wilkerson are uncannily similar -- if in only one theological area - and here it is:
To have so much as even the remotest chance of an eternity with Jesus we need to put in some sweat equity!
Say a total of 2 hours to 2 and a half hours in spiritual exercises everyday -- as a minimum .... :)
Take it or leave it.
I don't even come close: 1 hour and 30 minutes some days, 2 hours + other days ....
That's the "pre - remedial side of zero level," you bet!
At least it's a start!
And we've been starting, now, some 4 and a 1/2 years! :)
Good luck .....
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