Just ask Corporal Christopher Ahrens!
"I Don't Need Luck!"
TFP's Crusade magazine. July / August 2012.
"In 2010, Cpl. Christopher Ahrens received two - head shots while fighting in Marjah province of Afghanistan.
"Fortunately, the bullets passed through his thick Kevlar helmet without causing serious injury.
"When interviewed about the encounter, Cpl. Ahrens folded back the camouflaged cloth cover of his helmet to expose the holes where the bullets had entered and exited.
"He then turned it upside down to display a holy card of Saint Michael the Archangel killing Satan and said, I don't need luck.."
Humm ... guess it's too much to expect that he had a red - headed Marine sergeant (E - 5) grandfather named something like Don Ahrens serving alongside yours truly as a Weapon's Platoon M - 60 machine gun section leader in Hotel Company 2/27 in South Vietnam's Ha Dong Bridge out post way back in 1968, huh? :)
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