Monday, November 19, 2012

"Jesus' life stands as a model of the transition from Homo sapiens to Homo universalis ...."

 George Weigel's commentary Crittir prayers and transhumanism. In the newspaper Today's Catholic. Friday, November 16, 2012.

Here is a snippet from the Canadian female theologian, Barbara Marx Hubbard, who, we're told!

"...was the designated keynote speaker at the August general assembly of the [American Catholic nuns'] Leadership Conference of Women Religious..."

Weigel's quote:

"... we do know that the story told in the Gospels is that Jesus' resurrection was a first demonstration of what I call the Post - human universal person ...

"We are told that he did not die.

"He made his transition, released his animal body, and reappeared in a new body at the next level of physicality to tell all of us that we would do what he did.

"Jesus' life stands as a model of the transition from Homo sapiens to Homo universalis ..." 

So, this helps explain things, you bet! :) 


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