"'In October of 2006, a teenage girl from Atlanta desired an unnatural relationship with another teenage girl,
but the desire wasn't mutual ..."
A snippet from Thaddeus J. Kocinski's article We're all Traditionalists Now: The Priority of Praxis to Theoria in the Culture War.
In The Latin Mass magazine, Christmas 2013.
"... As a consequence the girl -- as we know from the text messages she was sending at the time of the incident -- tried to kill herself by driving head - on into a randomly - selected car.
"The girl survived, but the driver in the other car did not.
"She was the mother of three children, one of them a six - year - old girl.
"This seems to me beyond ordinary wickedness.
"It only takes a moment of reflection to recognize the profound evil of this crime, the senselessness of it, its utter banality and absurdity.
"These words don't even do it justice -- even the word evil seems wanting ..."
Good point, SeƱor! :)
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