Monday, June 03, 2013

Last Saturday's Deacon - less and Altar Server - less Mass still well - supported

Saint Mary Magdalene's Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Saturday. June 1, 2013. 5:30 pm English Mass

Celebrant -- Father Antonio Moreno.

Homilist -- Father Moreno. Theme -- "Which came first, the Eucharist or the Church?" 

Father emphasized that "It was the Eucharist!" He drew heavily on Genesis 14:18 - Jeremiah 31:31 - I Cor 11:23 - 26. In St. Paul's letter, Father told us, we have the earliest account of the Eucharist at the Last Supper -- the details of which Paul learned directly from Jesus Himself!  

Father estimates Paul wrote this Epistle no more than 21 years after Jesus' Ascension...

EMHCs  -- Ms. Frances Franklin, Mrs. Julia C. Terrazas and K. of C. Mr. John Carlson.

Lector -- Mr. Lloyd Lee Davis

Before - Mass 5 - Decade Rosary Leader -- Mr. George Nicolai.

Ushers -- Mr. George Nicolai and Mr. Jim Burns.

Choir Director -- Mrs. Lynn McNew.

Way to go, great and wonderful people!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, Cut &Paste from Wednesday:Vaclav Havel's address for the US congress, February 21, 1990: "The Soviet Union . . . was a country that rightly gave people nightmares."Noam Chomsky, February 1990: "I have in mind what I consider is 1 in the most illuminating examples on the total and total intellectual and moral corruption of Western culture, namely the awed response to Vaclav Havel's embarrassingly silly and morally repugnant Sunday school sermon in congress the other day It truly is also unnecessary to point out .
. . that in comparison for the conditions imposed by US tyranny and violence, East Europe below Russian
rule was pretty much a paradise."Christopher Hitchens on Noam Chomsky in Slate magazine May 2011 following the death of Osama bin Laden:"In short,
we do not know who organized the attacks of Sept.
11, 2001, or any other related assaults, however it would be
a credulous fool who swallowed the (unsupported) word of Osama Bin Laden that his group was the
a single responsible. An attempt to kidnap or murder an ex-president of the United States (and presumably, by
extension, the sitting one particular) will be as legally justified
as the hit on Abbottabad. And America is an incarnation from the Third
Reich that does not even conceal its genocidal methods and aspirations.
This is the sum total of what has been learned, by the guru on the remaining, in
the last decade."

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1:08 AM  

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