Tuesday, January 03, 2006

"UTEP can't make research claim!"

Ex-Dean of Engineering declares.

El Paso Times, Monday, December 19, 2005, Opinion. By Professor Robert Grieves.

"Imagine if UTEP's football team was rated No. 197 nationally at the end of the season. The coach would be on the way out, especially if he kept saying that he ahd an excellent team.

"And so it is with UTEP being called a research university. The latest National Science Foundation published data on university research funding for fiscal year 2003 shows UTEP, with 27.5 million funding, to be ranked 197th nationally.

"In contrast, NMSU [up IH 10 in Las Cruces, New Mexico] at $106 million is 111th. To be in the top 100, generally regarded as research universities, $127 million would be required, a 500 percent increase for UTEP. For fiscal year 2004, UTEP's position will not change appreciably.

"UTEP's administration loudly proclaims UTEP to be a research university, which it is not and never will be. It is long past due for them to stop the deception and spin-doctoring and to focus on the extremely serious problems facing their undegraduate programs.

"Perhaps it is time for a new coach."

Go get 'em Professor! But, hey! When the El Paso Times tells us, as it did in the fall of 2003, that UTEP was due for a $10 million combined state and federal R & D package for Doctor Josie Tinajero's College of (ha! ha!) Education, and she, in turn, turns all this over to her "Associate Dean of Educational Research," whose demographics are right bang on with those of an aging wannabe-queen of the Yahoo-licensed online hos, with electronic "hits" running from Florida (two on July 1, 2001) to Enid, Oklahoma, what can you expect?


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