Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"Does Continuity Catholicism rock?"

You bet!

Just check these following web sites for two(2) dynamic Catholic priests right here in the good 'ole U.S.A. whose ministries easily prove the thesis:

"Yes, Virignia! Continuity Catholicism rocks, big time!"

So, no! You don't have to be in thralldom to such perversos as El Paso's so-called Society of St. Pius X, nor to the over-medicated loonies at St. Patrick's Cathedral and their Fifth Gospel According to Dr. St. John Pilch and his ilk.

And, last, but not least, you don't have to kow-tow to that militantly homosexual hardcorps element apparently operating deep within Father Rick Mattey's Men's Acts Retreat Community.

Unless, of course! Either one or both of those two(2) Satanic extremes appeals to you; at least this way you will have been warned...

So! Here's a sort of random Who's Who in the contemporary Continuity Catholicism scene:

Father Quinn Mann. Motto: Duc in Altum, Put out into the deep.

Father Andrew Bloomfield. www.fatherbloomfield.blogspot.com


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