Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Famous Exorcist Father Hermanagild Jayachandra, pastor of St. Martín de Porres Catholic Church in Boulder, Colorado, interviewed by The Catholic Register:

"Once you are corrupt to evil ideas, the door is open for the devil to get hold of you, he said.

"He also believes that [both] mental illness and possession can often exist at once in the same person, and that psychological illnesses are frequently caused by persistent sinful behavior."

[Issue of October 29 - November 4, 2006]

Note One: Anybody personally witnessing the satanic monkey-shines indulged in by the Men's ACTS Retreat Team Members on the last evening and night exercises of Father Rick Mattey's Men's ACTS Retreat of March 23 to March 26, 2006 at the mis-named Holy Cross Retreat Center in Old Mesilla, New Mexico, should have no problem with this one.

By sundown, after supper was over, and the call earlier on by the sicko playing Satan's Herald to the otherworld, the last vestige of orthodox Christianity simply vanished.

Note Two: Anybody witnessing Father Fabian Marquez's spectacular nuclear meltdown on Monday, July 10, 2006, after the 5:15 pm Mass was over, should likewise be easy to convince that both mental illness and el diablo can co-exist.

Curiously enough, not only was there a full moon that night, but one of the National Institute of Health's (NIH) listed websites that we checked almost immediately on a hunch later on that same evening had an interesting article indicating that MD psychiatrists have come around to accepting that persons suffering from schizophrenia can indeed be affected by the full moon!


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