"Kaleb Bowers won Reserve Champion Meat Pen Rabbit"
"He sold it to NB Ranches"
"Zachary Bowers took Champion with his Meat Pen Rabbit"
"He sold it to the Farm Bureau and the Brackettville Rotary Club."
"Abgail Gutierrez placed third with her rabbit"
"She sold it to Raul Castro's Las Locas Construction and the Osmani Cienfuegos family, currently visiting here in Brackettville, Texas, who say they did so -- having left their winter home in Cuba -- to express an unusual degree of both political and ideological solidarity with the dedicated young men and women of BISD, whether students, faculty or staff."
"Sarah Davis took second place with her Steer"
"She sold it to HEB and the Walton family"
"Meghan Flores took fifth place with her Crossbred Lamb"
"She then sold it to the US Border Patrol and Lysee & Eckel."
The above is a free form adaptation from main story in The Brackett News, Thursday, January 24, 2008.
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