David R. Ketchen...
"Table Raising: Introduction to the Occult."
Adapted from Gary North's Appendix B, page 226 of his book, None Dare Call It Witchcraft.
"After some time one of the group was sure to remark on the curious tingling sensation in his fingers, as though a weak electrical current were passing from hand to hand about the table.
"Kurt Koch, the German theologian whose labors have largely been the field of the occult, has noted and documented this phenomenom (Christian Counseling and Occultism, pp. 44, 121ff.)"
Folks, as Gary North puts so well himself on page 154 of his book we've cited at the top, in terms of what happens when otherwise good people addicted to such practices above become converted to "Charismatic Catholicism," albeit, the wrong kind:
"In short, it is very difficult to deliver societies in occult bondage [including, I'm afraid, at least a certain percentage of parishioners of St. Mary Magalene's Catholic Church in Brackettville, Texas ] by means of evangelism that is based on similar manifestations of occult healing."
Sound radical?
Just hold onto that tingling fingers routine, o.k.?
Now comes Patti Gallagher Mansfield's own book of diverse real - life occult testimony, As By A New Pentecost, ready??
Page 106, testimony by Elaine Kersting Ransil:
"In terms of spiritual gifts, I remember a lot of weird physical sensations -- burning in the palms of the hands, for example..."
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