According to:
The 1956 College Edition of Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language.
"Epicurus n. Greek philosopher; 342? - 270 B.C. founder of the Epicurean School, which held that the goal of man should be a life of pleasure regulated by morality, temperance, serenity, and cultural development."
Now, here comes that bad 'ole Thomas Steven Molnar, again!
Page 25 The Pagan Temptation.
"It was Plato who first cleansed the heavens of these deities and pointed to the real God beyond sense experience and intellection.
"As often happens, a subtle teaching was rtadically reinterpreted; where Plato suggested that God can be reached by a kind of spiritual contact which transcends understanding, Epicurus concluded that the universe contains only matter an dvoid, and that human beings, their intelligence and volition, are an accident of organic life.
"Although purposive beings, humans are th eproduct of a non - purposive nature -- in other words,of chance.
"This is the well - known essence o fmaterialist systems, from Epicurus to the present, proceeding through a series of non sequiturs and speculative hiatuses. "
Now, for the real nitty - gritty:
Brackettville's SMM Connection!
O.K., folks, first off we fast - forward around 2,300 years, from maybe 300 BC in Ancient Greece to 2008 AD in Brackettville, Texas, St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
The question: Just what were these Epicureans told A) to do, and just what were they told B) not to do?
Answer, again from page 25 of Molnar's book:
"In fear of the consequencesof teaching atheism in a still - pious [pagan] society, Epicurus ecommended in the Letter to Menoikeus that his disciples keep the core of the [Epicurean] doctrine secret and that they act according to the prevailing mores."
In the big man's own words, as quoted by our author -- and remember! -- this advice holds not only for Ancient Greece, but for also for a large swatch of priests over 40 belonging to the so - called American Catholic Church today:
"Let us sacrifice reverently and properly where it is required, and let us do everything properly in accordance with the laws, not distressing ourselves over popular opinions in matters regarded as the highest and the most solemn."
So, what else did Epicurus urge his followers to bear in mind, besides engaging in lying duplicity?
Here it is:
"In this letter he [Epicurus] explicitly enjoins his circle of friends to hold in public that God is a living being, immortal and blissful, for such is the common perception of mankind.
"But at the same time, behind the public disguie, he enocuraged scientific study even more daring and more modern than what Aristotle had authorized in the matter."
"The Epicurean sages [modernist Catholic priests, too!] are, then, withdrawn from the world, ... because their own thinking recognizes no meaning in the univerese.
"Everything is matter and void; the eternal ideas and divine reason are absurdities."
And guess what? Knowing what these boobs and clowns claim they know, either at SMM or in Ancient Greece, they know all there is to know!
And as Molnar summarizes it for us on page 26, "And in a godless universe, this is the supreme status."
What a bunch of pathetic idiots!
And to think they honestly believe they can continue to run SMM far, far, into a glorious future, one furthermore, that exists no where except in their own misguided imaginations.
My, oh my!
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