Monday, April 14, 2008

"American modernism," by Fr. Brian Van Hove !!

Source: Homiletic and Pastoral Review, April 2008.

Some random American - Catholic modernist's personalities:

1) "William Laurence Sullivan (1872 - 1935) was a Paulist priest who became a liberal Unitarian minister.

2) The superior general of the "Josephites, founded in 1893 to work among blacks in the South.

"Their superior general was John R. Slattery (1851 - 1926), who first found himself scandalized by racism among Catholics, then came under the influence of biblical criticism.

"He left the Church in 1906 and moved to France."

3) "[I]n 1909 five Paulist priests resigned from the priesthood after the condemnation of modernism and the excommunications of [presumably the Rev. Fathers] Alfred Loisy and George Tyrell."

Fascinating read!

Especially for us with Brackettville's SMM, where yesterday and the day before, neither at the Saturday PM Mass nor at the first AM Mass on Sunday, was there any public mention of the pending arrival of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, whether from the pulpit nor written in the bulletin.


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