Welcome to the gold 'ole USA!
His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI!!
And, Holy Father, don't worry about "our" SMM's "OSOMs" -- pronounced "oh - sums" which refers to those of us, including yours truely, heh, heh! --who are "Over 60, Over Medicated," and who (in many cases) are still addicted to the idea of Jesus Christ as nothing more than maximum man.
And who are still sincerely convinced that sitting around in a circle holding hands and mumbling and chanting our little hearts out to the throbbing drum beats of "Kum Badi Hi, Kum Badi Ha, Kumba Moonie - Moonie Soon, Kum Ba Hee, Kum Ba Ya!" like those Bright Young Things at Duquesne U. 'way back in 1967 was truly the high point of 2,000 years of Christianity.
Because here at Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church in Brackettville, Texas, in spite of all these losers, we've a rapidly growing bunch of tough, charismatic, [in the authentic style of former Papal Household Preacher Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa] up and coming generation of young parents with teenage children of their own, who really do believe in God.
And who, unlike the bulk of the rival gang of so - called American - Catholic OSOMs, even act like it, twenty-four seven!
So, here at SMM and over America, Holy Father, it is the young parents (mostly in their early forties and below in age) and their own children -- including youngsters as well as teenagers -- who are the Catholic world's future, just like their millions of peers in Latin America, Asia, Africa, etcetera.
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