German Pastor Kurt Koch goes after occult - faction of Charismatics!!
Adapted from this source: Koch, Kurt. Occult Bondage and Deliverance. Translated into English. Grand Rapids, Michegan: Kregel Publications, 1971.
Page 94 - 95
"Although many Christians will accept the fact that they must break off relationships with spiritistic friends, there is another area in which one can meet with the greatest misunderstanding.
"Within certain fanatical and extreme religious groups one finds mediumistic influences and contacts which must also be renounced if one hopes to arrive at any form of inner peace.
"In the Corinthian church speaking in tongues was the gift of the Holy Spirit.
"Yet the apostle Paul already found it a problem, for a great deal of confusion had already arisen in the church there.
"The devil, it should be realized, is ever trying to imitate and forge the works of God.
"The phenomena which accompany today's new tongues movement [as in the 1967 Duquesne crowd!] as it spreads all over the world indicate it is actually a psychical epidemic, and in many places even a mediumistic movement
"Many genuine Christians have had their Christian lives ruined through falling into this mediumistic stream."
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