Saturday, May 17, 2008

So why would the Archdiocese of San Antonio still forbid placing a crucifix??

In St. Mary Magdalene's Old Church Building?

In Brackettville, Texas, Zipcode 78832?

Hypothesis Number One:

Neither Archbishop José Gomez himself nor the priest in charge of the Uvalde Deanery has ever done any such thing.

By claiming anything to the contrary, the more or less serving pastor is showing himself to be an ordinary run - of - the - mill garden variety neurotic flake. Period!

Hypothesis Number Two:

As the Rev. Mr. Lachlan T. Cameron assures us in his article "Living with the crucifix," in the May issue of Homiletic & Pastoral Review, whether we don't find the crucifix in some married couples' home, or for us, in the Old Church Building, "Jesus Christ is not seen because the crucifix is not present, not necessarily out of malice or because of drawn - out deliberation but from ignorance."

Hypothesis Number Three:

We don't find the crucifix in the Old Church building here in Brackettville due to some quasi - Satanic, witchcraft, or other occult / New Age "revolutionary" mumbo jumbo, or who knows?

After all, in Gary North's None Dare Call It Witchcraft, he quotes Satan's number one wanne be homeboy, Anton Szandor LaVey's views of the crucifix, perhaps (or not) a view held by one or more members of our local Catholic clergy here at St. Mary Magdalene's:

"The Satanist realizes that only by putting himself in league with these forces [he refers here to the demonic forces] can he fully and unhypocritically utilize the Powers of Darkness to his best advantage...

"Behold the crucifix: what does it symbolize?

"Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.

"I question all things...

"Theories and ideas that may have meant life and hope and freedom for our ancestors may now mean destruction, slavery, and dishonor to us!

"As environments change, no human ideal standeth sure (North, 178)!"


It's like in all three(3) hypothesis, Jesus Christ Crucified has no permanent role in the Old Church Building of St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church Parish in Brackettville, therefore, why not? :) heh, heh, heh!


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