Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Coverups of sexual hanky - panky a "long tradition" in Boston's Archdiocese!!??

Adapted from this source: The Catholic World Report, May 2008. Anthony Esolen's review of Philip F. Lawler's book, The Faithful Departed: The Collapse of Boston's Catholic Culture, Encounter Books, 272 pages, $25.95.

In Boston, we read, "Politics and social appearances had trumped the welfare of Catholic parishes and their children, says Lawler.

"That dynamic, he observes, was at work throughout the 20th century.

"So, for instance, the powerful Cardinal William O'Connell, who built so many Catholic schools and convents in the first half of the century, averted his gaze after his nephew, Father James O'Connell, ran off with another man's wife, married her under a false name, and began to lead a double life, part as a priest of the Boston archdiocese, and part as an investor in New York.

"Lawler writes that Cardinal O'Connell certainly knew about it in 1918, if not earlier.

"It took a visit to the pope himself, Benedict XV, to compel O'Connell to remove his nephew from the priesthood -- in 1920."

My, oh my! :)


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