"Possible embezzlement at St. Paul church is under investigation"
So - called American Catholic Church Financial Tsunami Time?
You bet!
"June 12, 2008. StarTribune.com / Minneapolis - St. Paul, Minnesota."
Adapted from report apparently signed by one Anthony Lonetree.
"St. Paul police are investigating the possible embezzlement of tens of thousands of dollars from St. Bernard's Catholic Church in the North End neighborhood, police spokesman Peter Panos said.
He siad that church officials, including the Rev. Mike Anderson, its pastor, contacted police Wednesday after the money was discovered missing from church accounts."
Oh, No! That can't happen here in Brackettville!
'Cause our guys "found" $30,000 plus!!
Less the paltry amount of "$600 In Three weeks Up In Smoke" mentioned here earlier.
Wow! :)
Back to Minnesota...
"The church also identified a possible suspect, Panos said, but no arrest has been made.
"Officials were alerted to the possible theft after the church's bank [In St. Paul, Minnesotta, o.k.? A BIG city! Not Brackettville!] called a trustee, saying, You don't have enough money to pay your bills, Panos said.
"According to a police report, it is believed that the money disappeared between July 1 of last year and May 6.
"Panos added that funds were missing from all of the church's accounts."
Unike Brackettville, Texas, Zip Code 78832, where the Saint Mary Magdalene's Parish Financial Committee claimed a while back in the bulletin that they had "found" a whole wad of dough, less records of five(5) $100.00 money orders and a sixth envelope with five(5) $20.00 dollar bills, all over a three week period last Fall...
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