Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Shades of "Witchcraft 101?"

Source: Kinney County Sheriff's Report, The Brackett News, Thursday, June 6, 2008.

"Sunday, June 22

"1:07 a.m. A local woman requested a deputy to ride by the cemetery to look into some problems.

"A deputy was informed."


Last summer, at a Saint Mary Magdalene's Cemetery Committee meeting, there was a report that Doña Celestina was aware of some kind of occult activity going on after hours apparently at the Catholic cemetery, and that at least one deacon had been informed of it, too.

Our own attitude at that time was that this might have involved some one of the endless variations of a North Mexican Santeria practice, this particular one involving the collection of dirt from atop certain graves...

There seems little doubt that here locally at least, the Santero priesthood, whether male or female, has been wildly successful in keeping our shake and back American Catholic clergy totally intimidated.

Or it may simply be that in his fearful and stubborn refusal to place a crucifix permanently in the Old Church building, our own fearless pastor has simply elected to serve Satan by some other means, in the words of the book, None Dare Call It Witchcraft, so who knows? :)


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