Friday, August 22, 2008

"Now Is The Time!"

¡O milagre de Fátima!

Fatima controversy reignited once again, this time around by:

"Inside the Vatican" magazine, August / September 2008. By Cathy Pearson. Adapted from the above - mentioned article.

"In mid- 2007, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexi II predicted a positive effect on relations between the Catholic and Orthodox churches from the issuance of Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio on the old liturgy, Summorum Pontificum :

We strongly adhere to tradition.

The recovery and honoring of an ancient liturgical tradition is a development that we can welcome.

"So much for fears that liberalizing access to the Traditional Latin Mass might impede reconciliations with other Churches.

"It is time to call the bluff of those who similarly maintain that a key request of Our Lady of Fatima -- consecration of Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart ofMary by the Pope together with all the bishops of the Church -- cannot be fulfilled literally because doing so might offend the Russian Orthodox.

"Of all the reasons put forward over the past 60 years to explain why a succession of Popes shouldn't, couldn't, or didn't perform the consecration of Russia as such, this is surely the least persuasive.

"On the contrary, Fatima offers perhaps the best key in our time for breaking the impasse in Catholic - Orthodox reconciliation.

"Despite strenous Vatican efforts to declare the Fatima story a closed book, persistent and legitimate questions remain, one of which is whether Our Lady's request for the consecration of Russia has been fulfilled by a series of papal consecrations of the world, and if not, whether a Russia - specific consecration should now be attempted..."

A good read....! :)


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