Monday, August 18, 2008

Robinhood - like Bishop of Nottingham cocks an arrow at Damian Thompson's Magic Circle ...

[O.K.! So what if it's historically necessary that this arrow be a "post - 1465 cloth yard arrow??" :) x 2 ]

Adapted from: Ian Thompson's "Let us pray in Latin: priests take on Catholics' magic circle: Damian Thompson sniffs the incense of a revolution among Britain's parish priests." Timesonline, from The Sunday Times, August 10, 2008.

"...Later in the day, even more significantly, the Rev. Malcolm McMahon, the Bishop of Nottingham, celebrates old rite pontifical vespers wearing a jewelled mitre and an embroidered cope that even Cardinal Wolsey might have considered over the top.

"McMahon, a Dominican, is left - wing in his politics and certainly not part of a traditionalist faction -- but nor does he belong to the politically correct, back - slapping magic circle.

"At dinner later, he effectively breaks ranks with his fellow bishops by unambigously endorsing Pope Benedict's vision of a church in which the old and new rites coexist.

"The traditionalists give him a standing ovation and a verse of ♪ God Bless our Pope

"He also tells Father Tim Finigan, author of the Hermeneutic of Continuity, the most influential of all the conservative blogs, to keep writing.

"Which is interesting, given that the [UK] Bishops' Conference would dearly like to stop that particular blog.

"Afterwards, Finigan writes:

Bishop McMahon has certainly won the hearts of the priests
... All of a sudden, there is someone that many priests loyal to Pope Benedict will be watching closely .. ecce sacerdos magnus!

That's Latin for behold the great priest!

"Those words will be read carefully in the Vatican, where Pope Benedict has been informed that the magic circle is desperate to install one of its own as the next cardinal.

"He isn't pleased.

"Watch this space."

And now, we read:

"Damian Thompson is editor - in - chief of the Catholic Herald."


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