Thursday, August 21, 2008

Today's feast day: Pope St. Pius X

Not to be confused with the episcopal losers in the so -called Society of St. Pius X! :)

We use the word "episcopal" here inasmuch as there are thoroughly decent priests to be found among the clerical ranks of this society, but they are powerless to do anything but to go along to get along with some incredibly perverse albeit validly ordained losers.

And, in point of fact. it is only the bishops themselves of the Society of St. Pius X who have been ex-communicated by the Vatican.

In spite of his halting, limited - proficiency English, a local member of the American Catholic Church actually did an otherwise credible job of giving us a summary of this pope's life and achievements at this morning's mass..

Pope St. Pius X reigned from 1903 to 1914.

In retrospect, he seems to have been well aware of of the perverse spirit of a rampant homosexuality that had already infiltrated the Church's liturgical music sphere.

This same perverse spirit of of an aggressively militant homosexuality is encountered even today in the so - called "Peter - pansy liturgies" of the Society of St. Pius X here in America, some of which yours truly has witnessed first hand, at least at the Jesus and Mary Chapel in El Paso, Texas 2002 - 2003.


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