"That is the new cult of softness"
'Way back in 1971, the Rev. Kurt Koch, ThD., was telling us all about this supposedly radically new concept in his excellent booklet, The Strife of Tongues, pages 7 - 8. This is an adaptation of his original work.
"There are strange notions going about today concerning the character of love.
"For example, how can a theologian properly speak of the love of God when he rejects the atonement made by Jesus' death on the cross?
"[So - called moral] and humane attitudes are not love in the New Testament sense of the word.
"To love does not mean to keep quiet when people depart from the Word of God.
"In England today there exists a certain cult of softness.
"One must look for the best in everything.
"Whether the person is a spiritualist, someone who speaks in tongues, a Jesuit or a modernist, please, don't upset them by talking about controversial matters!
"That's the new cult of softness.
"Do the Scriptures teach us to have this attitude?
"It would behoove all who give way to others so easily, to read the seven letters to the churches thoroughly.
"The risen Lord reproves the church at Pergamos [Rev. 2:14]....
"And the Lord rebukes the church at Thyatira (Rev. 2:20)..."
Like the Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio today ??!!
Because in terms of typical reactions from the Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Charismatic and Faith Sharing groups, the reaction is amazingly similar to that experienced by the good Reverend Kurt Koch in Europe 37 years ago! :)
Don't believe it?
Check out what comes next:
"Had a member of one of those churches at that time said anything against these false teachers, he would have been called unloving and intolerant.
"Yet Jesus would have been on his side.
"In Northern Hesse a dentist told me:
I can't read your books anymore because you criticize the Pentecostal movement so much.
"I replied, If you consider a scriptural attitude to be merely spiteful criticism, then you can even burn my books...."
But spiteful criticism in not the issue...
"But spiteful criticism is not the issue.
"We are rather concerned with the command of the Holy Scrptures, Test the spirits to see whether they are of God (1 John 4:1).
"To test in this way can be done in the Spirit of love.
"Not everything that false theology [as is taught both from the pulpit and off at St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish in Brackettville, Texas!] labels love [as in our local Parish Charismatics and Faith Sharing groups] is love, and it can be real love that constrains us to say no [as in ¡Ay, basta con este ca*r*ajo!] for the sake of the Church of Christ.
"One can therefore stand in the presence of the Spirit of God -- and we must do just that -- when one investigates the so -called gifts of the Spirit and test them in the light of the Holy Scriptures..."
Way to go, Reverend...!!! :)
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