Friday, August 01, 2008

UTEP's Ms. Adriana Salas tells us:

"Union's updated look will change UTEP student life"

Adapted from: The UTEP Prospector, July 30, 2008.

"Returning students and incoming freshmen will see a new look at UTEP's Union Building this fall, with a complete overhaul of the Union's Mine Shaft and a lounge on the second floor in the Union Building East.

"Sophomore general studies major Mr. David Martinez said the changes will help UTEP's image, especially for incoming freshmen."

But! There's more than one change!

"Ms. Ofelia Dominguez
, Union Services Director said:

"Every year, we try and make changes, whether it be food venues or the menu itself.

"With the help of Sodexo and the vice president of business affairs, we thought these would be the best changes for now..."


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