"Memo to: Parish Faith Sharing Steering Committee members Janie. and Lourdes..."
NOTE: This was early last Fall, before Santa Clause dropped off roughly $1158.30 cents worth of paid advertising funds for us to use in the The Brackett News!
"Because so many non - Catholics are confused about the chaos and anarchy of the last 40 years due to the bitter struggle for supremacy between the American Catholics and the Roman Catholics here in the USA, we'll be doing our own Faith sharing with any number of ministers starting this Fall, using the enclosed materials.
"Maybe you, too, could find a use of it here at St. Mary Magdalene's Whole Parish Faith Sharing.
"If so, help yourself.
"If not, that's o.k., too, as there are many non - Catholics looking for explanations for the chaos and anarchy, explanations we'll be only too glad to give them!
"(1) The would - be cardinal struck dead [or so we were told!] barely three days before he was to be rewarded by the Pope, why had he been so insane as to state, in effect, that Christ's Crucifixion wasn't enough?
"Thereby denying Sacred Scripture and the Roman Catholic Church's own teachings?
"And, just maybe signing his own death warrant?
"For blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
"(2) Why did Pope John Paul's retreat master say that If we want a union organizer, we go to a Catholic Priest.
If we want the Word of God, we go to a Prostestant Minister?
"Thanks! etc. etc."
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