Thursday, September 11, 2008

"... we will declare War and we [the Santeros] will definitely win."

Note: Normally when we encounter offsets [ ] like this: [the Santeros] it is to signify that yours truly (or whoever) has added something to the original quote.

In this case, no!

Because that's the way we received it.

To confirm our version of events, just click on the original post "...elements of paganism...etc.." a little ways down below, and then scroll down to the bottom where it says comments 2.


This is really great news for Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van and his fellow groveling Santero deacon - psychophants, as it means the Santeros are more than ready to protect their human assets at Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church in Brackettville, Texas, and do it right.

In fact, just a week ago, last Thursday to be exact, we assured Ms. Amelia Villareal and Fr. Pius Eseiabo in person, at Ms. Villareal's surly "request," both by phone and in person, that one good reason there is nary a mention of the Catholic Church's condemnation of demonic spirit worship however disguised, by any Catholic deacon here locally is not too hard to understand.

It is because any deacon so reckless as to do so would run the risk of having his own business ( the Bader Equipment Company, for instance! ) literally burned down over his ears.

For his part, the Rev. Father Pius Ezeiabo made this spirited reply, which we take the liberty to paraphrase more or less along these lines:

"I am with Jesus, so I don't have to worry about the church burning down. I do my job..."


Let's just suppose that Father Anton Quang Dinh Van, and the Reverend Mr. Bader and Mr. Goebel, along with Doctor Don Smith, didn't (and still don't) do his job?

Further, let us suppose each and every one of these gentlemen, to some degree or the other, openly repudiate -- by word, deed, or both -- the Divinity of Christ, what's in store for them, in that case?

Just what protection, if any at all, are they guaranteed?


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