Tuesday, September 02, 2008

St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish welcomes our new pastor, Fr. Pius Ezeiabo.

Originally from Nigeria, Father Pius allowed Sunday morning as he'd spent some time in the Diocese of Brownsville, too.

Archbishop Gomez appears to have appointed Father Pius for a term beginning Monday, September 1, 2008 through June 1, 2009.

Fr. Pius' greatest immediate challenge?

To destroy the developing pernicious doctrine, flaunted here locally, of:

The use of Holy Communion as a so - called Psychiatric Placebo.

Good luck Father!

The Santero priesthood (whether male or female), and their all - American Anglo henchmen are not going to hesitate putting you to the test in this as well as in other matters, and who is to blame them?

After all, and in record time,they intimidated your unhappy predecessor, Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van, and in no time at all reduced him to the level of a groveling psychophant, more than likely forever lost in what Archbishop Chaput tells us in J. Michael Parker's current front page article in "Today's Catholic" as a silent apostasy.

It is likewise important to be prepared for the challenge to your priestly ministry by the false theology openly espoused by one or more of your deacons whether in the so - called Parish Faith Sharing Group or in other places.

Likewise, the senior member of the mis - named Charismatic Group propounds false theology.

In particular, both men are seriously opposed to one of the most important documents of Vatican II, called, if I remember correctly Lumen Gentium, sections (or chapters) from roughly 50 through 62.

And so,
Good luck Father!

Semper fi....

Respectfully submitted,

Dennis Paul Morony


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