Monday, October 27, 2008

"A real witch is a woman who has demonic powers"

Ms. Jennifer Reed
, Thousand Oaks, California, weighs in on Ms. Michelle Arnold's article of the July - August 2008 issue of "This Rock," Witchcraft 101. Her comments appear in "This Rock" for November, 2008.

Adapted in part:

"To know about witches, witchcraft, and Wicca, you should have experienced it or know people who do it.

"Reading an Idiot's Guide from Barnes & Noble and a book fror the 1950s [sic] by Margot Adler will tell you nothing."

Practicing Wicca does not make you a witch ...

"I have relatives who practice Wicca.

"Practicing Wicca does not make you a witch.

"A real witch will never tell you she is because it will expose her.

"Only a person who tries to be a witch (someone who practices without powers) will tell you that witches do not believe in Satan.

"Real witches know that he exists.

"They also believe in God, but refuse to worship him.

"A real witch is woman who has demonic powers.

"This is not something you can read from a book or learn in a classroom while you got your degree..."

And so, Ms. Jennifer Reed's observations are then replied to by Ms. Michelle Arnold, whose response we likewise adapt (or quote) in part.

Now, here's Ms. Arnold's spirited conclusion to her rebuttal of Ms. Reed's remarks:

"If Christian evangelization to witches is to have hope of succeeding, we must be willing to give self - described witches the respect of listening to them carefully and crafting our Cristian apologetic based on their explanation of their own beliefs, and not on what we think they believe."

Humm ..m...m... izzat so? My, my goodness! :)


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