Saturday, November 08, 2008

"Catholic Charities receives about two thirds of its three billion dollar annual budget from the government."

Yours truly's own personal reaction to the above

"Like, you know?


"The grand daddy of all political pay - offs, you say?

"2 billion tax - payer $dollars a year in cold cash?

"Subsidized by every member of every Baptist Church and Jewish Synagogue in America?



"No wonder Archbishop Emeritus Patricio Flores had no problem in letting one Mr. Jesse Jackson take the podium at San Fernando Cathedral in 1988, (I'm pretty sure this happened in 1988!), to expound his views on his own candidacy!

"Further, then, too, it's no wonder our own St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish priests and deacons can both be counted upon to keep their very own mouths shut on the abortion issue!"

Source for our usual free - wheeling adaptation: Mr. Robert J. Kendra, P.E., Episcopal abortion politics, "Homiletic & Pastoral Review, November 2008.

As he tells us:

"In the wake of Roe v. Wade, several different Human Life Amendments were proposed in Congress during the 1970s and early 1980s.

"Our [American Catholic] bishops initially supported this obvious solution, but their enthusiasm faded into oblivion circa 1980.


"Is it a coincidence that about that time the federal government began dispensing billions of taxpayer dollars to various programs run by the bureaucracy of the [American] Catholic Church?

"For instance, Catholic Charities receives about two - thirds of its three billion dollar annual budget from the government.

"Alas, politics seems to have trumped the salvation of souls within the Catholic Church.

"So without the bishops providing courageous moral leadership, which has not been forth - coming, the pro - ife movement in America has been and will ocntinue to be doomed...."


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