Friday, March 20, 2009

Acerbic Father Kenneth Baker, S.J., on the 2008 Roman Synod of Bishops 55 Propositions:

Bad News (heh, heh, heh!)

"They are rather harsh dealing with Protestant fundamentalists who believe in the Trinity, Jesus as the Son of God and Savior..."

Good News (heh, heh, heh!)

"[T]hey have no harsh words for liberal, modernist and Marxist interpreters of the Bible..."

Adapted higglety - pigglety from his very own article in his very own publication, Homiletic & Pastoral Review February 2009.

Its title is "The Roman Synod and the Word of God."

As we read at the end on page 25, Reverend Kenneth Baker, S.J. has been editor of HPR since 1971. Last October he spent three weeks in Rome covering the synod on "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church." The present article is his report on the acts and proposals made by the bishops from all parts of the world.

Page 24.

"The bishops seem to have a fixation on dialogs, assuming that all problems and differences can be solved by sitting down and talking about them.

"Strangely, not once in fifty - five propositions do they call for converting anyone.

"They are rather harsh dealing with Protestant fundamentalists who believe in the Trinity, Jesus as the Son of God and Savior, the immortality of the soul, and heaven and hell.

"But they have no harsh words for liberal, modernist and Marxists interpreters of the Bible who deny the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus, the supernatural, the immortality of the soul and, and heaven and hell.

"The propositions, however, do contain many fine suggestions and could lead to greater interest in and enthusiasm for reading the Bible and praying with it.

"That should take place if Pope Benedict XVI writes an apostolic exhortation to the whole Church based on the synod propositions..."

Some good reading here, folks!

Thanks, Padre....:)


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