Monday, April 06, 2009

"Q. How many Catholics were killed in the Holocaust?"

Adapted from this source:

'[M]illions of Poles -- Jews and Catholics alike -- were murdered by the SS and police personnel in the field or in killing centers such as Auschwitz -- Birkenau and Treblinka.

"It is estimated that between 5 and 5.5 million Polish civilians, including 3 million Polish Jews died or were killed under NAZI occupation [Folks, that's roughly talking from September 1939 - January 1945].

"This figure excludes Polish civilians and military personnel who were killed in military or partisan operations.

"They number approximately 664,000."

Humm .. o.k. -- well, let's see, then:

By process of elimination -- 'cause who knows for sure? -- in Poland at any rate like maybe we can figure that 2 million to 2.5 million Polish Catholics were murdered??!!

Thats doesn't sound too life - threatening, we hope?

And then out of the additional 664,000 "Polish civilians and military personnel who were killed," using the same rough proportions, of say, 40% Catholics and 60% Jews, well maybe we could saw that a conservative estimate would be around another 250,000 dead Polish Catholics, for an additional figure of .25 million to add to our estimated total.

Thus, we just might have:

2 million to 2.5 million + .25 million = the guestimated total of from 2.25 million to 2.75 million Polish Catholics died under NAZI occupation during World War II.

Hence, to repeat wiki's question:

"Q. How many Catholics were killed in the Holocaust?"

Bad 'ole Dennis' answer based upon his own spin on all the dubious data above would be:

"Who knows? But in Poland, at least! It kind of looks like maybe as many -- or as few -- as 2,250,000 to 2,750,000 Polish Catholics did!"


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