Saturday, May 23, 2009

Father Gonzalo Meza Razo on The spirit of liturgy.

Adapted from Father's article in Today's Catholic. May 22, 2009.


"Time, as a human unit of measure, does not exist when liturgy is celebrated; time disappears for all that Christ is -- all that he did and suffered for all men -- participates in the divine eternity and so transcends all times. (Catechism of the Catholic Church).

"This transcendent mystery unites heaven and earth, and permeates all creation.

"In liturgy faith and reason coincide in the most harmonious way, where all the signs, symbols and actions express what the church believes, lex orandi, lex credendi."

Note: Lex orandi, lex credendi = The law of praying = The law of believing. "What you believe in is reflected in how you pray!" :)

Thus: if your prayer is an indoor paper trash - burning mitote, guess what?

More than likely that same indoor paper trash - burning mitote will indeed summarize all that you believe in!


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