Monday, May 11, 2009

St. Mary U President Emeritus Father John A. Leies on Notre Dame's apostate Christian prez, Father John Jenkins:

"Father Jenkins has repeatedly allowed a pro - lesbian film and the Queer Film Festival..."

There are divisions in the Catholic Church in the United States ...

Here's a few random snippets adapted from this original source:

Father John A. Leies, SM, STD's article "The Notre Dame affair" in Today's Catholic, May 8, 2009. Page 11.

"There are divisions in the Catholic Church in the United States.

"The Notre Dame affair reveals the alienation that has occurred between a number of institutions of higher learning and the church.

"Notre Dame University has been prominently in the news for the past several weeks... because the president of Notre Dame, Father John Jenkins, CSC, invited the president of the United States, Barack Obama, a man who has been been so publicly and strongly supportive of abortion, to give the commencement address this year and to receive an honorary doctorate.

"The bishop of Fort Wayne Indiana, Bishop John D'Arcy, in whose diocese Notre Dame campus is located, wrote two letters of strong protest and said he would not attend the graduation.

"Fifty - five (55) other bishops expressed their complaints, including Archbishop José Gómez and Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantú of San Antonio.

"Critics [have also pointed] out that Father Jenkins has repeatedly allowed the presentation of The V... Monologues, a pro -lesbian film involving seduction in the past several years, and the Queer Film Festival, which has had two name changes more recently."

Yes, indeed! There are divisions in the Catholic Church in the United States, as the good Roman Catholic father assures us.

And those same divisions rapidly leading into the spiritual and psychological equivalent of a world - wide Catholic civil war most likely includes most every one of the 19,000 + Catholic parishes in the good ole U.S.A. -- and not just Brackettville, Texas. 78832.

Furthermore, in so far as the crucial role played by so - called Catholic institutions of higher learning, like the one that gets at least some credit for running poor 'ole Deacon Jimmy straight off the rails in his earlier college years, Father John A. Leies spells out for us the why of this spirit of collegiate chaos and anarchy at the very end of his excellent article:

"Bishop D'Arcy stated the fundamental reason for this -- the preference of the schools for prestige over truth."

Humm ... o.k.!

Let's try and break this last italicized phrase down mathematically!

The "winner"

Prestige = Totals of adding up: President Barack Obama + Pro - Abortion stance + Queer Film Festival ??!! :)

Meanwhile, the outclassed "loser" is:

Truth = Sacred Scripture + The Eternal Teachings and Traditions of The Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.


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