"WED FEB 11, 2009"
"1930 / 7:30 p.m. ... ...Rosa Cantu, Mena Molinar, her son Daniel, both his triplet sisters, who gave me a big hug! :)"
Note: Janie had stopped me as we were exiting the side door of the Church after Wednesday night services, most likely around 8 o'clock or so, and said something like "They [Molinar girls] want to thank you." Cool by me :).
This just may have turned out to have been a really clever move on Janie's part, as it certainly implied that Mrs. Molinar was aware of what was going on, and like yours truly, at that time at least, suspected nothing.
'Cause the idea was that the YOUTH GROUP -- or whatever it's called! -- could have some ready cash to help get the needed supplies for their annual fund raiser, the one that would help them go on another out of town field trip, like they did to San Juan, Texas last year.
Folks, here's a simple test, o.k.?
If that $300.00 cash donation to the YOUTH GROUP is still where it belongs, they'll have their next fund raiser within the next two (2) Sundays.
If they don't, then that money is most likely history.
Same with the Altar Servers.
If those young people have their well - earned little outing soon, it will because the money is still there.
If they don't it will because it's long gone.
Believe it or, not!
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