First it was Heather Has Two Mommies.
Now, thanks to Fr. Pius Ezeigbo's
Public parroting of Dr. Scott Hahn,
Brackettville, Texas has just learned that ...
Jesus, too, just like Heather, also Has Two Mommies!
So, why can't our Southern Baptist neighbors get to hear this same mindless, rabble - rousing drivel, too?
At their religious services and revivals? :)
A free - wheeling adaption from these three -- Ha, Ha, HA! -- primary sources:
The first "primary source" comes from simply sitting and listening to a really wild - eyed homily promoting the so -called Scott Hahn Heresy, preached by Archbishop José Horacio Gómez's Parish Administrator, the Rev. Father Pius Ezeigbo at the 5:30 p.m. Saturday Mass at St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church of Brackettville, Texas.
P.O. Box 95.
Zipcode 78832.
The second "primary source" is a warning we gave to the Rev. Mr. James Bader, Deacon -- immediately after the 8:00 a.m. Spanish language Mass -- about the risk of following after Dr. Scott Hahn's laugh - out loud "Holy Trinity Theology" that Hahn details in his book First Comes Love.
At least Father Ezeigbo had kept Dr. Hahn's wildest notions under restraint at this Spanish - language a.m. Mass, whereas in English the evening before at the 5:30 p.m. Mass he hadn't.
Instead, at that Mass, at least, Father Ezeigbo dutifully parroted Hahn's wildest ravings on the Holy Spirit as Mother, etc.
What we might call the third "primary source" comes within a couple of minutes of seeing Deacon Jimmy.
Because that is when we had us a short, free - wheeling and genial discussion with the Rev. Mr. Robert "Bob" Nelson, Deacon Emeritus, and Mr. Roland Boyson, C.P.A. under a mesquite tree near the Old Rectory Building.
Both Deacons Jimmy and Bob had been witnesses to Father Pius' stirring reinactment of Scott Hahn Theology at Saturday's English Mass.
However, I honestly cannot say in regards to Mr. Boysen, C.P.A.
Now, both the fine K of C gentlemen under the mesquite tree, Deacon Bob Nelson and Mr. Boysen, CPA, were waiting for the start of their monthly meeting, an important meeting indeed, that was already scheduled to take place in the Old Church Building.
But they generously took the time to acknowledge that they were aware that not every member of Brackettville's Catholic Parish community was likely to be a fan of Scott Hahn Theology.
Finally, just before we took our leave we more or less reiterated the issue to them thusly:
"The problem with what we're hearing here gentlemen, is that it could have come from either Scott Hahn or Phil Donahue.
"But in any case the CCD teachers are going to have to be prepared to deal with the conundrum that comes from the kids hearing that not only does Heather Have Two Mommies, but that even Jesus Has Two Mommies!
"So, now what happens?" :)
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