Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22. Triple Feast Day!

Saint Paulinas of Nola

Saint John Fisher of Merry Olde England

Saint Thomas More of Merry Olde England

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas. 78832.

Altar Server Show - up HONOR ROLL!*

Fathers Day Sunday, June 21, 2009. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Jerry Lee DeHoyos & Ms. Samantha DeHoyos + Ms. Brenda Pacheco. DADS DAY TEAM: Jerry, Sr. & Pedro.

A Memorable Fathers Day Spanish Mass 2009!

This memorable Fathers Day Spanish Mass was celebrated by Father Pius Ezeigbo and the Rev. Mr. James Bader, Deacon. The three(3) altar servers are listed above.

Ms. Rosa Maria Garcia did the Spanish readings and announcements.

Doña Celestina Hernandez and Doña Estela Valdez led the Spanish Choir.

Don Jorge and Don Domingo took up the collection.

Mr. and Mrs. Joel and Elda Terrazas and their daughter, Altar Server Ms. Bianca Terrazas, presented the ritual offerings of wine and unconsecrated bread at the Offertory.

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry and Janie DeHoyos were Extraordinary Ministers of the Lord's Chalice.

Ms. Nora Rivas likewise really shined as she took charge of the Mens 2009 ACTS Retreat Bake Sale Fund Raiser after this Mass.

There were from 60 to 75 of us in attendance, including other such fine friends and neighbors as Mr. Wayne Meyer, the Rev. Mr. Joe Goebel, Deacon (he would go on help officiate at the 10:30 a.m. Mass), Mrs. Julia Terrazas, Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Ruth Tate, and just so many more...

All in all, a most memorable occasion!

*Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Not observed...


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