At last! :)
Bishops and priests who really DO believe in Jesus Christ!
Whereas in San Antonio & Brackettville, who can really say??!!
'Cause these are REAL men daily facing gunfire, torture & death while doing their jobs...
"Amenaza de muerte narco a tres obispos"
"[A]seguró el vocero Hugo Valdemar No hay otra manera para atacar al narcotráfico más que con el Ejercito"
con el maligno no se dialoga...
Adapatda de esta fuente original: El Zócalo -- EL UNIVERSAL -- México. Lunes 20 de Julio de 2009.
"La Iglesia católica denunció que tres obispos y varios sacerdaotes en Michoacán han recibido amenazas de muerte.
"Sin embargo, hasta ahora, la Arquidiócesis de México no ha pedido una protección especial para ello ni ha solicitado el cierre de esas iglesias.
"Para la Iglesia católica, existe un aspecto doctrinal que es muy claro: con el maligno no se díaloga, afirmó el vocero de la jerarquía católica."
By contrast the greatest physical threats facing the likes of such integrity - lacking media personalities as Archbishop José H. Gómez and Fr. Arturo Cepeda are the multiple threats that are colored like this: $MILLIONS$.
That is to say, millions of dollars of legally appropriated diocesan dollars taken from rank and file parishioners by first - class prosecuting attorneys, themselves ambitious and on the make...
Don't believe it?
Stick around over the next year or two, then we can ALL believe it! :)
'Cause if I'm wrong so what?
I'll still be shelling out 4 figures a year and up as my own share of the Annual Archbishop's Appeal.
And this for as long as I can (heh! heh!), so for me it'll be a win - win situation...
And it makes no difference to me personally if I'm right and Archbishop Gómez really does turn out to be an even greater habitual *uck *up than was Archbishop Flores.
Or, instead -- albeit with a judicious outlay of parishioners' cash -- he becomes media - manufactured into instant, living, breathing sainthood, as was our oh so - famous Mariachi Bishop... :) x 5!!
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