Thursday, July 30, 2009

Father Dave Dwyer, CSP of The Busted Halo Show:

A priest unafraid to confront the opposition.

Leaving it to the Holy Spirit to do everything else!

Adapted from an article "Religious Access: Catholic new media twitters and blogs to follow in the footsteps of St. Paul."

By Carol Baass Sowa [sic.].

In the local Catholic newspaper, Today's Catholic. July 17, 2009.

"In his own daily life, Father Dwyer's work for Busted Halo at Sirius XM [Radio] puts him in close proximity with over 140 channels, including the Playboy Channel, Cosmo and the Gay and Lesbian Channel.

"Many of the channels have invited him to come on their shows and he has never turned them down, explaining that this brings a Catholic voice to audience members who might not otherwise hear one.

"[H]e said, Sometimes we need to play in the sandbox with others, noting that numerous listeners have then tuned into his own Busted Halo Show afterwards as a result..."


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