Fine examples of St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish + Community - wide mutual help and support over the past few weeks!
All the above right here in Brackettville, Texas.
Zip code 78832.
Such things as:
Cake Walks and Brisket Plate fund raisers for "Albert" & "Tomás" and their respective families.
All of Brackettville seems to have had a part here!
Including dedicated volunteers from Krazy Chicken, you name it!
Plus, ready help for one of our homeless brothers, giving him housing and a well - earned chance for dignity and self worth.
A key role in this instance was providentially filled by Rev. Jeff Janca's office at the First Baptist Church plus there was the role played by Deacons Joe Goebel and James Bader.
Not to mention good folks from Spofford Junction.
Then, too, there was last Wednesday's special St. Mary Magdalene's Feast Day Mass and Ice Cream Social and Potluck, courtesy of the Reverend Father Pius Ezeigbo, the Rev. Mr. James Bader, Deacon, Mrs. Mary Jane Meek of the Parish liturgical Committee, and so many more.
Indeed, shortly afterwards, both Mr. Raul Rivas and Mr. Reymundo Aguilar concurred independently and in person that most likely 100 good folks participated.
So: Yes, Virginia!
Don't even have to doubt it: the Holy Spirit is just as active right here and now in Brackettville, Texas as He has been all over the Earth since Pentecost, where Saint Peter -- as recorded in Acts 2:16 -- was inspired to quote from Joel 2:28.
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