Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Mr. Chad Mills, Principal of Holy Name Catholic School.

3814 Nash Blvd., San Antonio, Texas. 78223

Telephone: (210) 333 - 7356.

Where Mr. John Calvin Hegedus was prior to his "Administrative Leave." :)

Mr. Mills:

"I would be delighted to take you on a tour to show you how we treat children as Jesus'calls us to do."

Mr. Hegedus' own spin on Mr. Mills' comments, at least in his own perverted yearnings for older male youngsters in Mr. Mills' classrooms and elsewhere, as we can see below from these snippets of published law enforcement transcripts of text message intercepts, is somewhat less hypocritical and misleading.

And for all he was handpicked by both Archbishop Gómez and Fr. Arturo Cepeda to run amok in the seminary for two (2) full consecutive years prior to Mr. Mills welcoming him with loud cries and warm embrazos -- as a religion teacher to children:

"Have u ever had anal sex before ... I am bring lube. We don't need condoms can't get pregnant LOL."

"AP Interview: Q & A with new San Antonio archbishop. February 19, 2005."

Adapted from this online source: Abuse Tracker 2005. A digest of links to media coverage of clergy abuse.

"SAN ANTONIO The Most Reverend José H. Gómez was installed this week as the new Roman Catholic archbishop of San Antonio...

"Q. Do you think the church has adequately addressed the clergy sexual abuse crisis of recent years?"

"A: "I would like to think that we have addressed the immediate needs of the people because I feel the decisions we made were very clear and they helped... As the Holy Father said, there is no room for this kind of abuse in Christendom."

True enough, your excellency!


Does your own archdiocese of San Antonio even qualify these days as a part of Christendom?

For example:

What about your very own Our Lady of the Lake University, Assumption Seminary & Mr. Chad Mills' Holy Name Catholic School?

All of whom share responsibility for unleashing a laugh - out - loud caricature of paranoia - fueled homophobia named John Calvin Hegedus on an all - but - already - brain - dead American Catholic people?

Just what kind of mess, your excellency, are you planning to leave your successor as archbishop of San Antonio next March, 2009?

Can keeping the lid on a potential rash of multi - million dollar lawsuits for the next seven months be worth it, just to get that coveted Cardinal's Red Hat this coming March 1, 2010, when your mandatory minimum 5 - year stretch as an archbishop is finally up?


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