Is Brackettville's Catholic Parish Switching to Some Bizarre New Age Offertory Ritual?
Or, is it just another Archbishop José H. Gómez - mandated anti - theft protocol?
Hey, maybe it's just me, o.k.?
But I seem to have recently noticed some wild new innovation at Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church at Offertory time, right after the collection.
Now, it' s like the ushers stuff all that lana in a white linen bag, and then after ceremoniously presenting it to the priest, deacon and altar servers, shuffle off with it to the left.
The bag is then stuffed down into a vertical wooden contraption next the pulpit, to go who knows where afterwards.
And to think that at least one (1) member of the Parish Financial Committee was so foolish and rash as to assure us way back in March of 2008 that stealing from our weekend Mass collection was "impossible."
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