Thursday, October 29, 2009

English professor Anthony Esolen, Providence College on:

"What Dante Can Teach Us About Envy"

From the Catholic magazine, This Rock, November / December -- 2009.

We are told:

"His most recent book is The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization."

"Christ Shall Be All in All"

That is not only theology for the end of time, but anthropology for here and now...

"For all notions of height and depth, of power and weakness, of glory and obscurity, all our objects of blinding envy, are reconciled and made beautiful in the love of Christ, who sits incarnate on the throne of God, both God and Man, Son both of God and Man, anointed Universal King.

"That is not only theology for the end of time, but anthropology for here and now.

"It is the law of communion.

"For Christ did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, talking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient into death, even death on a cross.(Phil 2:6 - 8)

"The Sons of Thunder, John and James, jockeyed for position in the kingdom, but Jesus the Master, the one would suffer in silence upon the cross, showed them what greatness was when he knelt to wash their feet.

"When we race, let us race for love.

"When we set out for that city greater than Rome or Florence, let us cry out that happy Middle English proverb, The more the merrier.

"Envy knows no peace, but in that city there is peace, the tranquility of order.

"It's name is Peace, and its Prince is Love..."


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