Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mark Sullivan's interview with the agnostic professor & author of God's Battalions, Rodney Stark.

Sounds like ACTS 2:16 & Joel 2:28 are still in progress!

From the Catholic magazine, The Catholic World Report, October 2009.

Q "As a sociologist what do you see as the trends in Christianity?"

Professor Stark's Answer:

"The draw [to Christianity] is stronger than ever.

"What's happening in Latin America is astonishing.

"The weekly Mass attendance among Catholics in in the 50 and 60 percent range.

"In some countries weekly Mass attendance is at 70 percent.

"As the Protestants have moved in, the Catholics have responded.

"Higher proportions of Protestants in any Latin American country translate into a higher rate of Mass attendance among Catholics.

"Nobody went to Church in those places 40 years ago and now the churches are full.

"The Church is not going away.

"Protestants are up to 38 per cent in some of those countries.

"But the Catholic Church has never been stronger and that is a wonderful irony.

"Africa is my next project...."

Q: "Is there a competitive streak in you manifesting itself with challenging the anti - Catholic bias?"

Professor Stark's answer:

"I suppose, but you look at it and say, Thats unfair and That's untrue.

"It motivates me.

"I was raised in a very anti - Catholic environment and saw through it.

"To be raised Lutheran -- almost every sermon is about the wicked Catholic Church because that is what Martin Luther left us.

"But it didn't take..."

Way to go, professor! :)

Note The original article is titled A Curious Mix of Sophistication, Sin and Piety. As CWR's interviewer Mark Sullivan starts off:

"When an agnostic professor from a secular university writes a book defending the Catholic Church and draws upon sociology for that defense, it gets noticed and inspires fans to look forward to his next debunking of conventional wisdom ..."

You bet! :)


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