Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Father Sunil De Silva, Archdiocese of Colombo -- Sri Lanka website:

"Prepare A Way Of The Lord"

Elephants attack in Orissa exactly after one year of persecutions...

"[T]hey rampaged through non - Christian homes, singling out the homes of persecutors, leaving Christian homes untouched...."

The elephants are not ordinary elephants; they appear to be on a mission...

[Originally posted by Father De Silva -- 09.12.2009. email: .]

So, in India anyway even the wild elephants seemed to have "got the word."

Albeit some months in advance....

A free - form adaptation from this official website:

"In July 2008 a severe persecution of Christians broke out in the Indian state of Orissa.

"A 22 year old nun was burnt to death when angry mobs burnt down an orphanage in Khuntpali village in Barhgarh district, another nun was gang raped in Kandhamal, mobs attacked churches, torched vehicles, houses of Christians [were] destroyed, and Fr. Thomas Chellen, director of the pastoral center that was destroyed with a bomb, had a narrow escape after a Hindu mob nearly set him on fire.

"The end result saw more than 500 Christians murdered, and thousands of others injured and homeless after their houses were reduced to ashes.

"Recently a strange and dramatic event took place in Orissa, which has many people talking and wondering.

"In recent months, herds of wild elephants have began to storm villages that are home to some of the worst persecutors of Christians during the troubles.

"In one village, where in August a year ago the Christians had to run for their lives while their homes were being destroyed by rioters, a herd of elephants emerged from the surrounding jungle exactly one year later, in July 2009, at the same time of the day of the attack.

"These elephants first attacked a rock crusher machine owned by a key leader of the persecution movement.

"They then went on to destroy his house and farms."

And by now, or at least by 09.12.09:

"Over 2,500 people living in 45 villages have been affected by the attacks, district chief Krishen Kumar said.

"Typically, smaller elephants enter a village first, appearing to survey the community.

"They then rejoin the larger herd, and larger elephant[s] soon follow and get the job done.

"The ministry partner in India stated: We think that it might have something to do with the avenging [of] the blood of martyrs. In fact the fear of God has fallen on the local people, who have labeled these elephants Christian elephants..."


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