Friday, December 04, 2009

Hooray for Canadian Law Enforcement!

They've busted a Anglo - Canadian Male - ho Bishop.

He's the Canadian Catholic Church's Lavender - Mafia designated Ho - In - Control no more, at least not in his particular diocese!

Pope Benedict XVI's Vatican: sacks his a*s* but fast.

Yep! :)

And the December 2009 Catholic World Report has the story:

"Bishop resigns, faces child - porn charges"

"Trips to Thailand Triggered Airport Search"

Photo Caption:

"Retired Bishop Raymond Lahey of the Diocese of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, arrives at a police station in Ottawa Oct. 1.

"Bishop Lahey, 69, turned himself in to face charges of possession of and importing child pornography."

Randomly adapted excerpts from opening and closing paragraphs:

"Late in September, after approving a $13 million settlement settlement with victims of sexual abuse, Bishop Raymond Lahey of Antigonish, of Nova Scotia, announced his resignation.

"At the age of 69 he is well short of the regular retirement age (75), and he had no known health problems.

"Bishop Lahey said only that he wanted much - needed time for personal renewal.

"The Vatican announcement confirming his resignation offered no further explanation beyond the passage from the Code of Canon Law that stipulates that the Pope may accept the resignation of a diocesan bishop who becomes unfit for office because of health problems or other grave reason.

"One week later the bombshell burst: Canadian authorities disclosed that Bishop Lahey would face criminal charges for child pornography found on his laptop computer when he passed through an airport security screening.

"The bishop was released after questioning at the Ottawa airport on September 15, but at the time of his resignation he knew that he was likely to face arrest.

"Airport security officials .. saw the bishop's penchant for travel to Asia as a reason for scrutiny.

"So they checked his laptop as he passed through Ottawa, and found images of boys in provocative poses.

"Under questioning Bishop Lahey was nervous and evasive, the officials said, and so they conducted a more thorough search, which turned up still more pornographic pictures -- some them featuring boys who appeared to be about 10 years old...."


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