December 28. Feast Day of the Holy Innocents.
Before we had mass Abortion on Demand, we had mass Infanticide on Command...
Tough African Cardinal talks straight!
"If God wishes to see a black man also as Pope, thanks be to God!"
Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana.
Adapted from Micaela Biferali's article, African Cardinal Comes to Rome.
It was published by Inside the Vatican magazine, December 2009.
"One of the leading African cardinals, Peter Turkson of Ghana, will succeed Cardinal Renato Martino as head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
"A background report on this rising prelate...
"In an early October press conference, Cardinal Peter Turkson whether he thought the next pope could be black, and the cardinal responded by saying, Why not? If God would wish to see a black man also as Pope, thanks be to God!
"When a journalist asked Turkson what was one change he would make in the Church, he said: More attention to priestly formation.
"He said he has ordained about 35 priests in recent years from his diocese, and that he allows each priest to take a sabbatical year after finishing his studies, but before ordination.
"[H]e told us, We don't follow them everywhere. But we do observe their lives from a distance. If a man says he wishes to be a priest and then during that year he stops attending Sunday Mass, then we have a question about the depth of his vocation....
"Cardinal Turkson is able to speak English, Fante, French, Italian, German and Hebrew, in addition to understanding Latin and Greek.
"He is the fourth of 10 children and his African name, Kodwo, means Monday in his native language; the local tradition is to name each child by the day of the week on which he or she is born.
"During the October 4 - 25 second special Synod of Bishops for Africa [in Rome], Turkson served as the synod's recording secretary, a key role many had already seen as a clear sign of papal favor.
"In 2009, he defended the controversial comments by Pope Benedict XVI that condoms were not a solution to Africa's AIDS crisis and were taken out of context by the media.
"During the [October 2009] synod, speaking about condoms, he told journalists that condoms are unreliable in preventing the transmission of the HIV virus and said they may even facilitate the spread of the disease by giving people a false sense of security and thereby fostering promiscuity..."
Good article! :)
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